
Freeze the Melt: How to Retain Student Interest Through Summer [Panel Discussion] 

There’s a dangerous lull period higher ed enrollment and marketing professionals know all too well that falls between decision day and arrival to campus. As summer approaches, the challenge of keeping admitted students engaged and committed to their college choice intensifies. Summer MELT can lead to significant declines in enrollment, affecting your institution’s goals and financial stability.

In this essential panel discussion, experts in higher education marketing & enrollment unveil effective strategies and innovative approaches to freeze MELT in its tracks. Our panelists will provide insights on whats working for them, common pitfalls to avoid, and the role of marketing vs. enrollment in the process. 

Who should watch?
- Enrollment Marketers
- Higher Ed Marketers



John Smith


Brown fox


Cole Sullivan

Chief Officer

Brown fox


rakin rock -1
Rakin "Rock" Hall

Ithaca College

Vice President For Enrollment Management

jeff Ebbing headshot
Jeff Ebbing

Southeastern Community College

Director of Marketing and Communications

kelly nolin
Kelly Nolin

University of Montana

Director of Admissions